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"Spirit Guides & Guardian Angels"
A little background about me: I was born Early at 7 1/2 Months & Weighed 5 Pounds 5 Ounces. I was the 3rd child born in my Family. The Middle Child is what people called me. When I was around 7 years old, I was hit in the head between my eyes with an Iron Horseshoe. I still have the scar between my eyes. The only thing I remember is running around the front yard where my dad & his 3 friends were playing horseshoes & seeing an arm holding an iron horseshoe coming at me. I do not remember anything after that, not the stay in Hospital or coming home. I have No Memory of anything else. That was the 1st time I almost died. When I was 10, I was in a Public Swimming Pool & while in the pool a boy jumped on top of my shoulders & held me underneath the water. 2nd time I almost died. I do not remember anything that happened after that. After High School I was married at 18 years old & almost Died from an overdose of Penicillin, since that I am Allergic to Penicillin, my 3rd time I almost died. Later I Developed an illness called Ulcerative Colitis & have written a Page about the illness on my site. Title of that page is, "Chery's Story". I had to have Major Surgery for that illness. When I was 59 yrs. old, I had a Stroke & almost died a 4th. time. While in the hospital I had an episode I call a Near Death Experience. That experience is Written on this page below Titled: NEW AWAKENING. I Recovered from my stroke 2 years later & only have a slight drag of my left leg. I am 69 now & have been doing ok with my Health.
September 24, 2022, Worst Thunder & Lightening Storm in 2022 I have ever seen. I took a Picture & it revealed under the Purple Clouds 2 V Shaped Items. 1 Big V Shape in front & 1 Small V Shaped Object following behind. I took this Picture with my cell phone. I know that other people from around the World are seeing the same things in the skies. I have more pictures but ran out of space for my website so cannot post them here. I took a Video of this Big Electrical Storm also.
Date: December 29, 2021
The following 3 Episodes happened to me on June 17th. & June 24, 2021 I Believe there is a Spiritual Battle going on right now between Good & Evil. After seeing these things & with what is going on with the covid right now I Do Believe we are in the End of Days that is written in the Bible. My Prayers go out to You & Your Loved Ones! God Bless All Of The Human Race!!
June 17th. 2021 Before the event below happened to me I was sleeping in bed on my right side, the right side of the bed facing the window & I woke up startled & I saw a Dark Shadow next to my bed bending over & looking right at me. It was Darker than my room & 2 days later I woke up & saw a Silver Shimmering Image floating over my bed this time I was laying on my left side on the left side of the bed.
Some Insight?? June 24, 2021
June 24th., 2021 7 days later I went to bed early my sleeping hours change so much. I was lying in bed on my back & room was dark, looking straight up at the ceiling in front of me, then I glanced over towards the top of the window. We have window covered by a space blanket to keep out the heat here. The silver lining faces the outside sunlight while the inside is red & makes it darker in our bedroom when sleeping. Anyway, I was looking at the right top of the space blanket & I saw stars appearing in front of my eyes. The stars started appearing on my whole ceiling of my bedroom. I was beginning to doubt if I was awake or asleep, so I moved my arm & hand in front of my face. I could not see it. But I knew I was awake otherwise I would not have felt my arm move. Then this shape started moving in the air to the right side. It was smokie white color & it got bigger as it moved then a purple shape appeared & did the same thing. I was like what is happening. I was not scared but calm & quiet just watching these shapes dart back & forth. The smokie white shape would get bigger then smaller, the purple shape disappeared for a bit but came back later. Still looking up at my bedroom ceiling I moved my head around the room & started seeing more shapes, then purple ones started appearing. It is so hard to describe. Like they faded into 1 another in & out. I thought I better take notice of the time on my clock & that is what I did. It was 9:35 PM. I thought Everything would disappear when I looked at my clock but when I looked back the stars & shapes were still on my ceiling. The whole ceiling was covered & now it looked like my whole bedroom was stars. Like I was not in my room at all, but up in the sky.
While lying on my back, head on my pillow I watched as the shapes got closer to me. The smokie white shapes darted closer to my head, like they were protecting me. Then I saw purple shadows coming towards me & the smokie white shapes protected my head. I was bending my head backwards towards the wall behind my bed so far, my neck was hurting. I got a scared feeling when the purple shadows came closer.
It was like a battle was going on for my soul or something. This went on for I don't know how long but I looked at my clock when everything disappeared above me. It was now 11:05 PM, I just laid there & wondered what I had just witnessed. Took me a while to get to sleep after that. During that whole time, I would turn my head & look around the room. Both shapes were everywhere. Darting in & out of the stars.
My Guardian Angel
My Stroke on March 2014 & What Happened To/With Me, the Next 9 Days
I am going to tell you below. Everything from Day 1 that started before I knew it was a stroke & the following 9 Days I spent in the Hospital & what happened in those 9 days, I went home the 9th day. Below are the Events that happened over the course of 14 days.
Day 1, February 30, 2014, I started having trouble with Insomnia that lasted for 5 days straight. I tried to lay down for a nap every day. I would fall asleep for a short time then would wake up shaking my left arm & my hand. On March 3rd. which was Day 5 of insomnia, again I woke up shaking my left arm & I sat up in bed & was thinking about what & why was this happening. All of a sudden, a thought came into my mind (or someone whispered in my ear) to look up stroke symptoms on the Internet, so I turned on my computer & looked up symptoms. I tried the 1st. symptom which was "Hold both arms Straight out in front of your body". Watch to see if one arm is dropping down & if 1 of your arms drops down get yourself to Emergency room as soon as you can. I did that & it turned out that the Very 1st Symptom is what I was experiencing. I started crying & I called for my Husband because he was downstairs. He came upstairs right away & I told him what happened. I got my shoes & socks on & we left right away for the hospital. By the way it was just down the street from where we lived "Luckily".
Hubby pulled up to the Emergency Entrance & got a wheelchair & brought it to my car door. Wheeled me into ER & I was checked in & while waiting for him to come back in from parking our car, I was waiting in ER to be seen by a Dr. When Hubby came back in he sat down next to me in the waiting area & we waited to be called. Not more than 10 minutes later I was at Nurse's Desk having my Vitals taken. My Blood Pressure was 224/111, I was rushed back to a room & laid on a gurney, Hubby sat in chair next to me. A nurse came in & hooked me up with a needle for an IV in case it was needed. She also had paperwork & I had to fill it out. You know the paperwork you always fill out asking if you want your life to be prolonged or a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) Paperwork. Next thing I remember I was being taken upstairs into a room on the 8th. Floor which was the top floor of this hospital. I never saw a Dr. during this whole time I was in the hospital. Except 1 Dr. who was a Neurologist I think, that was 2 days before I left the Hospital to go home.
The 1st few days was an experiment by Doctor's to get the right Medication & Dosages for me. That took about 2-3 days. I was doing fine for a while & It was cold in the room so Hubby went home & got my Afghan Blanket & put it at the bottom of my bed. He told me that he also called My Brother & Sister to let them know. The 1st night I had to have a Xanax pill to help me sleep. The Night Nurse was a Male & he was from Russia. Pretty young but Nice Nurse. He was with me for 1 week then they had to change stations.
Day 3 in Hospital Hubby was taking me for a walk in the hallway & we went to the Visiting Area to look out the window & sit for a short time. On our way to that area we saw Writing on the wall as we entered, it was in Gold Lettering. It said Name of the Hospital which was "Centennial" & that it Specialized in Strokes. That shocked both of us because we did not know what kind of hospital it was, we just happened to live down the street from a place we had to go to for an emergency. This was a Brand New Hospital in that area of town.
Day 4 in the Hospital I had an episode. I was Standing Next to the bed & the Nurse helping me walk that day was standing on my left side. All of a sudden, I felt myself falling slowly to the right side. It went all dark & became quiet & then peaceful. Then all of a sudden I was pulled back into the room where I was standing by my bed. The nurse that had been helping me that day told me she had seen me falling over & she grabbed my left arm & brought me back up before I hit the floor. I knew I almost died right then. If she had not been beside my bed & grabbed my arm, I would not be here right now telling you this story. That night I was in bed getting ready to go to sleep & Prayed. I asked for help in getting better so I could go home. This is what happened the next day.
Day Five, it was around 2pm, the Head Nurse was in my room getting my medications all together for me to take & A Nurse next to my bed taking my BP & Vitals. This Nurse is the one the day before in my room during my incident that grabbed me. Hubby was sitting in chair on right side of my bed. A young man who looked about 21 walked into my room. He was wearing a Light Blue Shirt & Nice White dress pants. He said, "Hello, My Name is Michael". He told us that he was with a Group that went to hospitals visiting patients to see if they needed anything. You know like "The Candy Stripers Nurse's Aides". Then he looked right at me & asked me if I needed any help. I said, "No Thank You, I am feeling much better today." He said, "Glad you are feeling better today!" Then he said he had to go & visit some other patients on this floor. He turned around & left my room. I looked at Hubby & we both thought to ask the Head Nurse & the Nurse helping me if this hospital had any kind of organization like that in this hospital. They both said "No". I just started crying my eyes out because I realized who he was. He is my Guardian Angel & his Name is "Michael". I am crying right now & always do when I think of this. When I was a young girl, My Father told me what my Name "Cheryl" meant in German. He said my name meant "Blessed". I Believe it now. This is why my Name AKA is BlessedOneC I found on the Internet later on that my Name "Cheryl" actually means "Beloved". The next 3 days nothing else occurred of interest or surprise. Just spent time in bed & walking mostly. It was a Friday we left the Hospital March 11, 2014.
Today's date: June 22, 2000
I just returned from a 5-day Vacation, and I had to write down my Experiences. As of the last 5 years I have been Guided by my own Personal Spirit Guide & Guardian Angel. When I was first contacted, I did not know or realize what was happening. It is like, you Believe, but you don`t believe. It is hard to explain unless you have actually been through the Spiritual Experiences like I have been through.
Message From: (matt h) Date: Thu, Jun 22, 2000, 1:01am To: (Cheryl) Subject: Re: (no subject)
Thank You for this page. When you talked to me about Bonnie I believe that you gave me the wings I needed and now I BELIEVE IN THEM (guardian angels that is, if it is your mom doing this tell her thank you and I love her and miss her) sorry for the tearjerker mom I know how you are :)
Love your son (who`s almost got his feet on the ground).
Every day I Thank God and my Spirit Guide for teaching me and guiding me in everything I do & say. I will go into a little more details about my visit with my 3 children & the talks I had with them & what they said to me when I feel the time is right to add them to this page. Right now, it is all too Emotional for me to write them down. You see!! I cry very easily and always have when it deals with "God & Spirituality". I always cried in church when I was younger & still do! So, I will write more later & expand on my Visit & Talks I had with my children.
Please feel free to e-mail me anytime if you would like to chat or get in touch with me for any reason. I am always hear to "Help". Or should I say, "WE". ~VBS~
I Hope you will enjoy reading about my New Spiritual Experiences & will tell others so they can join in on this Wonderful Journey through my Life. Thanks for Visiting my New Page & Please sign my Guestbook before you leave.
Love & Hugs to all, but most Importantly "Thanks" for all of your Kindness & Loving Prayers & Thoughts.
Thank You "Angelina" for all of your Love & Support & for all of your Prayers. I Love You Loads!!
CHERYL (opqr3)
A Mothers Love
Hello Again Everyone...This is
Cheryl (aka opqr2 & 3) is time for me to tell you all of my Experience with my Children. So here goes....
To begin my Spiritual Journey, I will tell you that it is a Wonderful Feeling to be Loved by so many. Since writing these Pages I have made more Friends than I could ever have Believed Possible.
Thank You All so much for your Love, Support & Your Friendship. Most of all!! Thank You for being my "FRIEND". Thank You "Mother"! (God rest your soul) Without you I don`t think I would have had the courage to write. I am so Glad you came into my Life.
You have made me realize my own Spirituality & how Important it has become to me in my Life`s Work.
Today`s Date: June 21, 2000
This story I am about to tell you happened the day before I was supposed to fly back home to Las Vegas. My Vacation was almost at an end, just 2 more days left. The Date is June 19, 2000.
After hearing so much about my son Mathew`s Relationship problems I decided to talk to him about it.
This is how the Scenario came about.
Matthew & his Girlfriend Bonnie have been together for the past 5 years. They have a little girl, my Granddaughter. I won`t go into their problems because I Feel that it is better that subject not be brought into this.
Anyway, I knew they had been having problems so when I went up to Washington State, I had a chat with them both. But at separate times as it had worked out. I wish I could have talked to them together, but I think my Mother got her point across. I heard 2 different sides (as they always say, there are 2 sides to every story) Matt`s side & Bonnie`s side.
I had never met Bonnie & I had only talked to her on the phone maybe 1 time.
I could tell they still Love each other Very Much. Being a Mother I didn`t want to be involved in my children's Relationships. But something (or Someone) kept pushing me to talk to them, especially my son. That something was my Spirit Guide (My Mother). I talked to Matt first, then the next day I talked to Bonnie. She brought my Granddaughter over so I could see her, as I was to fly home the next day.
Neither one of us knew how to start off the conversation, so I finally asked her if there was anything she wanted or needed to talk to me about. Meaning her relationship with my son. She knew what I meant.
As she was talking, I realized some things that I did not know. Like I said, "There is always 2 sides". I also realized that when I was talking to her that it was not me, but my Mother's Spirit that is. She was Channeling through me. Don`t ask me how I knew, I just did. After our conversation there was a lot of things that had been cleared up for me, so I had decided to have another talk with my son. A few minutes after Bonnie left, I called him on the telephone.
While on the phone this time not in person, I talked to my son and told him what had to be done for him to get his relationship back on the right track. While talking to him I asked him to get the book from his sister that I had left there for her to read.
The name of the book is: "Spirit Guides & Guardian Angels", by Richard Webster. If you get the chance and want to learn more about your own Spirit Guides what they are & Your Guardian Angel. This is the Book you should read. It is a Very Helpful Book & Explains a lot.
Anyway I waited for him to get the book. He told me that she was cleaning her room & it was in her cedar chest. There was too much stuff on top to get the book out. I told him to put her on the phone. So I talked to her. She went and started throwing stuff off of her cedar chest to get the book. She was upset at me, but I could tell that there was something else she wanted to get off her mind. It had been building up inside of her for a Very Long time. Believe me I would be upset also if my mother had not been there for me all through my growing up. The last time I saw her was 2 years ago when she came out here for a visit.
She went back in her room and finished cleaning while I was still talking to Matt. I told her Thank you for getting the book for him.
Matt then hung up the phone & started reading the book.
I got a phone call a few minutes later. It was Matt telling me that he had made out a list for himself. First thing was to get himself straight. He also had other things written down & asked me if there was anything he had forgotten. I told him it sounded like he had everything we discussed. Then he said, "Tracie wants to talk to you". I said ok. He put her on the phone. While she was talking I broke down into tears as I listened to what she was saying to me. She asked me why I was crying. I told her that she sounded just like my Mother. I understood everything she said to me and she also made me think more about my own life.
Then the Really True Spiritual Connection hit all 3 of us. We all were talking with & to each other, but it was our own Spirits or Spiritual Guides that were speaking to each other. We all noticed it at the same time. What I mean to say, is that we all noticed that it was not ourselves doing the talking, but our Individual Spirit Guides. Our Spiritual Guides were talking to each other. They were Channeling through us. It was the Most Exciting Event that has happened to me as yet.
I can still feel that Glowing Excited Feeling inside of me. Every time I think about it. I will never forget!!
That very same night I talked with my other son Jacob. I told him what had happened. I don`t know if he fully understood, but I think he knew.
The next morning Jacob & I went out to breakfast before I had to catch the Airport Shuttle. We talked a little bit more & I found out more about my Navy son. After breakfast he drove me to the Hotel where I was to catch the Shuttle. He told me that he would help his brother stay on the path he was just put on.
I told Jacob, if he sees Matt going back to his old ways, to remind him of what "MOM" talked to him about.
I know that all 3 of my children will be ok now. I feel they are on their right paths in their lives & will Live them to their fullest potential. All because of a Mothers Love.
I`m sure there will be more times to come where I will have to help keep them on those paths. What are Mothers for!! But in our case what is a Spirit Guide for??
Intuition or Guidance???
Today is Monday June 26, 2000....I just had to sit down right away when I got home from work today to tell all of you about my most recent of Spiritual Events.
First off...I will tell you that I have been having these Spiritual Events or "Awakenings" as I call them for the past 5 years. Ever since my mother passed away.
So....Here goes!!
It actually started when I was on my Vacation, but I didn`t know at the time. It was just a feeling I had.
My daughter Tracie & I were in the mall shopping & we walked into a Christian Store. I saw this nice 3-D Picture that I knew one of my customers would Love. I decided that I would buy it, but then kept looking for something else. Not finding anything. Something inside of me told me to buy the picture. So I did.
The picture Has a Blue Background with a Rainbow & A few clouds in it. On the Outside of the frame on every edge it has these words written on it. "Good Things Come, From Up Above".
Before I left on my Vacation, I had told one of my customers that I would bring her back something. This Picture is what I decided to give to her.
This morning I was so excited when she came into my store. I couldn`t wait to give her the Picture. She was looking at the cards we have in our store & I waited on other customers. She finally arrived at my counter & put up her card she had picked out and another item to purchase. I told her that I had something for her. She replied, "Cheryl, you shouldn`t have spent your hard earned money on me"!!
I replied, "I told you I was going to bring you back something". I took out the Picture frame. I had it wrapped in white tissue paper so it didn`t get ruined in any way. She was so excited!! She said, "How did you know I wanted that Picture"? I told her I didn`t, but something kept telling me to buy it for you when I was in the store. I`m Glad you like it. ~VBS~
She said, "Thank You So Much"!! Then I finished ringing up her purchase so she could be on her way to work. I was so "Happy". I couldn`t wait to get home & put this Spiritual Event onto my New Page.
I am looking forward to having more events take place in my Life. I just wish I could make the connection sooner than I do. Maybe I`m just going to have to Pray a little harder. I will make sure I keep you all updated on my Life`s Journey of Spiritual Awakenings.
For now....I must leave you with this thought.
Never be Afraid of what Life has to Offer you...It is a "Gift from God".
Painting entitled "Thy Will Be
Done" by Danny Hahlbohm and used with permission.
This set is made exclusively for my treasured friend Cheryl by LauraAnn and may
not be reproduced without her expressed written consent
All material is ® and © by their respected owners. All rights reserved by the respected owners. Use of copyrighted. And trademarked material is for entertainment purposes only; no infringement on the original copyrights or trademarks held by the respected owners is intended or should be inferred. All Artwork Used with Permission from Artists. Please Do Not Copy Anything from This Site. If you see anything that is Yours or Someone else`s & there is no Link Please Email me & let me know & I will remove it from My site or Give Proper Credit!
I Hope you Enjoy your Visit!! Please Come again & Bring Your Friends!
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