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THANK YOU HEAVENS ANGELS "PRAISE CLOUD" HI..My Name is Cheryl...To Heavens Angels Group I was known as "Angel of Mercy"...What you are about to read on this page, is the story of my Battle with the Disease known as: UC...ULCERATIVE COLITIS. The events which took place are True & Factual. I have all the Documentation from My Medical Records to Prove my Story. At the bottom of this page you will find Links to Medical Sites & Organizations to Help You find Information or Help about UC (also known as IBD). I know Everyone out there has 1 cause or another they support. I have several Beginning with UC & Chrohn`s Disease. Having lived with UC for over 14 years & Finally Healed with the Grace of God & My Surgeons, I fully Support the Ulcerative Colitis Foundation & all they do for their Patients & Families. I also Support the Breast Cancer Site & The American Heart Disease Foundation. MY BATTLE & WIN AGAINST ULCERATIVE COLITIS MY STORY In 1974-1975: My Story begins back when I was 20 years old. I was a Wife & Mother of a 1 1/2 year old son. Matthew is his name. One day, I became very ill with abdominal cramps and diarrhea which kept getting worse. I had decided to go to the doctor because my diarrhea was turning blood red and I could stand the abdominal pain no longer. The doctor I saw was an Air Force Doctor, because at the time I was an Air Force wife. The Doctor examined me and could not find anything that could be causing me to have the abdominal pain. At the time I did not know I was allgeric to Pennicillin. I was given a shot in my Hip with Pennicillin & also given this drug as pills to take every 4 hours! I also had to take a prescribed drug for my diarrhea. Within 24 hours I was back at the Hospital Emergency room with hives all over my body. They took me on a gurny to the examining room. I was as white as the sheet! The Doctor who was examining me, asked me what I had been taking. I could not really answer him, I was so out of it! The Doctor left to go speak with my Husband in the waiting room. He found out that I was taking Pennicillin tablets along with the injection I had received on my last visit. It was an overdose!! The Doctor had to have my husbands signature to do Exploratory Surgery. The Doctor also informed my husband that I might not make it! That is to say, I may Die on the table. They took me up to Emergency Surgery. For an Exploratory Procedure. Later on I was told that I had been Diagnosed with UC...Ulcerative Colitis. I had never heard of the disease before & didn`t really know what it was caused by. Now I know! It stems back from when I was a child growing up. Growing up with an Abusive father, I held in all of my Feelings and never talked to anyone. That is how I developed the disease. My body could not handle anymore. They started me on a Medication called Prednisone 60mgs & a drug called Azulfadine. I was on these medications for 12 years. Sometimes I was in Remission other times I would have a bad episode. During the Month of April 1975 I was so bad, they had me shipped to another Air Force Base Hospital. Scott AFB, Illinois. I was there for 2-3 months. I spent my 21st Birthday in the Hospital. I had to go on Special Diets and could only eat certain foods. Nothing Spicy. This disease is so close in symptoms with a disease known as Crohn`s Disease. The doctors were not certain which disease I had! Even tho they did Exploratory Surgery to find out. While at this Hospital I had other tests run & Biopsies taken, I also had to have Enemas. Cortisone Enemas to help with the Ulcers inside of my body. Believe me they are not fun, but they did help with the pain! In July 1975: I had some very good doctors while I was there. I finally was released and got to go home. Boy, was I ever Happy. I finally got to raise my son!! In 1976, I was doing fine for quite a while, but still taking Medication at smaller doses. We moved to California & Everything was fine. I had my second child on the way. Another Son! Jacob we named him.~S~ Three years (1979) later I had a Child at 7 1/2 months who died at birth on Valentine`s Day...of all the days! He was to be our last child. But since we lost him we decided to try again. This time Everything went as planned. I had a Baby Girl. Two years later (1981). We named her Tracie. Still doing fine, then I had a problem with the diarrhea again. I still had some pain, but not as bad. They upped the dose again. The pain was in my Colon, Large Intestine. I got better so the doses were lowered again. 1989: I was going through a Divorce by this time. Well, after going through almost 14 years with ups and downs the day came where I had to have Major Surgery. My rectum was closing up because of all the Polyps and diseased tissue. My insides were a mess!! I was shipped yet again to another Hospital The Presidio in San Francisco. This time I was set up with an appointment to have Major Surgery done. All the tests were Performed, Biopsies taken to make sure it was Ulcerative Colitis & not Crohn`s Disease. Because the surgery they were planning on doing would not help a patient who had Crohn`s Disease. All of the tests proved Positive for UC. Boy was I glad. They told me that if I had Crohn`s Disease & the surgery they were going to do, the disease had the possibility of coming back in another part of my body. The name of the Procedure I had to have done is called: illeostomy. My Colon (Large Intestine) & my Rectum were to be removed & my illeum (which is the end of the Small Intestines) were brought out to the surface of my Abdomen, (Where I now have to wear a Bag for the rest of my Life. But Believe me it is better than dying!!). The surgery was planned for the middle of the week. I did a lot of Praying during this time. One of the Most trying times of my life. Today`s Date is: October 18, 2000. I am in Excellent Health & doing fine with my illeostomy. In January 1999, my oldest son Matthew was Diagnosed with this same disease. He just turned 27 this last August 2000. They have better medicines now, than when I was sick so many years ago. He is doing Very Well, I am Happy to say! We did not know that the disease is Hereditary. 25% the doctors told him. Which I feel isn`t as high as some Hereditary Diseases. One of the Most Important things to remember is to always say or talk about what you are feeling inside yourself. Don`t keep your Feelings bottled up inside. Let it out!! If you don`t let them out, then you might also be prone to getting this Disease. Don`t Let it Happen To You!! Yell If you have to!! Just don`t keep it inside. I always went for walks, thinking it would help, but it never did. You just read my Story of what happened to me, by keeping my feelings locked inside of me. My son always kept his feelings inside also. Don`t be Like US! If you start having any of the symptoms I described above, Please see your Doctor before it is too late! Here are the symptoms: Pain in lower abdomen, Diarrhea, Pain in Left upper Stomach (Colon). Loss of weight. There are other sites which I have listed below where you can visit to get more Information on this Disease. Please Visit these sites for more Information. Thanks for Listening to my Story & Visiting my page. Please feel free to pass it along to your Friends by clicking the Link below! Thanks & God Bless!! Love & Hugs....Cheryl I JUST RECEIVED AN EMAIL TELLING ME I HAD WON AN AWARD FOR THIS HOMEPAGE. I NEVER EXPECTED TO WIN ANYTHING, I JUST WANTED TO TELL MY STORY TO LET OTHERS KNOW ABOUT THIS HORRIBLE DISEASE. I AM HONORED & PROUD TO PUT THIS AWARD ON MY PAGE. HERE IS THE EMAIL ANNOUNCING MY AWARD! Congratulations, Your web site has been selected as a recipient of the highly regarded "Editor's Choice Award" from HealingWell.com. This award is reserved for select health web sites that exhibit 1) exceptional web design, 2) reliable and quality health information on disease and disorder topics, and 3) patient accessibility and support. THANK YOU HEALINGWELL.COM FOR THIS SPECTACULAR AWARD! IT REALLY MEANS A LOT TO ME.~S~ JANUARY 6, 2004 NEW INFORMATION!! THANK YOU JEFF!! I was visiting your site and thought that you might be interested in having some of the information that would help keep the cancer from coming back, and also a link to a FDA approved Breast Self Exam Pad that helps to detect lumps in the breast when they are smaller. This is something that every women needs to have to help do the monthly self exam because it helps detect lumps that are smaller and helps to decrease the severity of the treatments. If women have already had breast cancer the risk of it coming back is high and these help to catch it early. Women and men can use this at home, and it can be used over and over again. This site also has a book to help know how to help keep the cancer from coming back by just dealing with a change in your life style. Keep up the good work with your site and I enjoyed some of the information and the graphics. I have dealt with cancer in my wife.
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